Monday, 28 September 2020

Oil and gas patent technologies as intellectual properties

The oil and gas industry is always considered synonymous with big business. It does not matter if the prices are on the rise or falling, the industry constitutes a big part of the economy. Besides this, the industry is also responsible for many technological innovations and process developments that later become influential intellectual property. In the 16th century, European explorers first observed the oil deposits in North America, and settlers used the oil in different forms throughout the next centuries.

For example, it lubricated the wagon wheels of settlers heading west. Kerosene, a derivative of oil became the most commonly used product of the 19th century. A Discovery near Titusville contributed to the introduction of the first oil company in America in 1859. This has made the town and the colonies around it to experience a boom. It received the attention of wealthy and influential persons to start oil companies.

Soon after the days of big oil companies, drilling concerns have searched for more effective and better ways to reap North America's oil deposits. Getting access to the oil was simple; a direct drilling process could find rich deposits less than 100 feet under the earth. But, many of these deposits were immediately used up. Unconventional oil and gas strategies followed by the companies were needed to develop new ways to find less accessible deposits. They also looked for ways to procure the 'liquid gold' that was pinned down the earth and the oceans.

Patenting Innovation in Oil and Gas

The oil and gas technologies and other technological development have gone harmoniously. Earlier, drilling technology was an important part of finding and producing oil. Companies that brought new and improved ways of finding oil and getting it out of the earth were seemed to succeed in an intensely competitive marketplace. And, getting a creative whip hand became highly important.

This concept remains true. Big companies in the Oil & Gas Product Design industry spend a heft amount on research and development, in every year. Major players in the industry have their whole department devoted to writing and filing patent applications to guarantee the unique use of their proprietary technology. The landscape seems to be intensely competitive today because it has become more difficult to achieve meaningful patent protection.

Working with an experienced intellectual oil and gas patent attorney is an authentic way to decide on whether to achieve a patent for your Prototype Development. You may have developed new techniques or creative drill bit to make it easy for reaching oil deposits that were inaccessible before. Your idea may be new and exciting and no one has seen before. Contact a reliable and reputed oil and gas patent attorney to know more about the patent prosecution law.

Perhaps, your innovation is key to a successful future in the oil and gas industry. Look for a reliable and experienced attorney if you want to work with inventors in the industry. You will be in good hands if you work with the most reliable and authentic oil and gas patent lawyer. 

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Latest trends in the oil and gas patent industry

 The oil and gas industry experiences a radical change in the competitive setting, and businesses are adjusting their rules and strategies to comply. Over the past decade, elements like instability in oil prices, a decrease of some reserves, and increased consideration of the environment have pushed the market to develop and protect creative technologies. You may be working in the oil and gas industry and looking for strong IP protections for creative technology to stay competitive in the middle of instability and uncertainty. Here we discuss how the use of Oil and Gas Patents has changed in the last 15 years. 

Patent filing has become software-implemented 

In the oil and gas industry, injection treatment processes have become essential, and that made companies use software for digitally simulate fracturing functions. This helps them better understand the impacts of their fracture treatments. Sophisticated software technology increases the industry’s ability to develop better computer models and other software for oil and gas systems, meaning the software patents for the industry have become highly substantial..


Patenting trends in the oil and gas industry 

Kholder Development is a reputed online agency for oil and gas patent services. They suggest that the rate of patent growth in the oil and gas industry, in general, is slowing, but the rate of patent growth for particular technologies is exponentially increasing. This change indicates that the main players have shifted their focus towards protecting specific technologies. 

Patenting trends in the key technologies 

Unlike the general trends in the oil and gas patent industry, the rate of patent filings for particular technologies is growing faster than that of patents worldwide. Kent Holder, the founder of KHolder Development identifies some areas where highest rates of patent filings are found, and that includes Geophysics, Earth drilling, metalworking technologies, climate change, and/or mitigation technologies. 

It has to be noted that patent filings for earth drilling have exceeded all other fields. During 2015, around 1465 earth drilling patents were given, which is 1026 patents more than Geophysics. Other technologies, such as metalworking has also seen an increase in patent filings because it connects core fields with other specific technologies. 

Need for a patent professional 

If you are in the oil and gas industry, it is wise to seek the advice and assistance of a patent professional because he/she can better understand the oil and gas patent landscape. The above statistics and discussion contribute to the importance of hiring a patent professional, for example, KHolder, who better understands both the oil and gas industry and other associated software. 

Kent Holder’s team has extensive experience in filing patent applications in the oil and gas industry. He has been in the oil and gas patent industry for a long period and has done patent work for flow control devices, down-hole logging tools, and other kinds of down-hole production technology. You have to stay competitive in the oil and gas industry and for that, you need the help of a reliable and experienced patent professional. Go for it and stay worry-free.